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Report: International Symposium

Survey Comments: at Main Campus and Miyako Satellite

30th October 2010 (Saturday)

嘦-1.Report: Development of Advanced Nursing Specialists in Islands Nursing 乮Fiscal Year 2008 - 2010)

Very Good
丒It was easy to follow.
丒I could learn the GP Plan for the last 3 years.
丒I did not know much about the GP, so that it was nice to hear about it this time.
丒I could learn some details of the GP.
丒I could understand the content and objectives of the program well.
丒I could understand overall activities for the last 3 years.
丒I could understand the objectives.
丒I could learn about island nursing practices in broad international contexts.
丒She explained well about what has been taking place in developing (advanced nursing specialists).
丒It is possible to construct educational surrounding even at remote islands.
丒It (the project) will contribute to the future development of nurses. Provides me with broad view.

丒I could learn about the content of GP.
丒I could learn about the content of program.
丒It was a bit difficult for the "introduction" (of the symposium).
丒The content was good, but I was shocked by the fact that I - as an undergraduate student, not in a graduate program - did not know about the practices of our graduate school. The school should provide setting to inform undergraduate students about this.
丒I found the system which allows you to study at a remote context is good.
丒I could learn what our graduate school has been doing in island nursing.

丒It could have been summarized in about 10 minutes. Handouts would have been nice.
丒I am familiar with this; providing us with outcome would have been nice.
丒It was hard to catch what she said; the sound was scattering.


嘦-2.Keynote Speech: Development and Future Prospect for Advanced Practitioner Leaders in Island Nursing

Very Good
丒I could learn about characteristics of remote island nursing.
丒It was easy to follow.
丒The presentation was easy to follow and simple.
丒I could understand well that the school is trying to develop high quality nurses, and it made me want to meet the expectation of this school.
丒I could learn the actual situation of islands.
丒I could learn the idea which turns the minus factors into plus factors of island contexts.
丒Her presentation gives me energy. I feel it gives me a tip for my research.
丒I could understand characteristics of island nursing and an overview of developing leaders.
丒Island nursing takes advantage of what is in an island, then assists for the weaknesses of the island. With presented examples of island nursing doing this, I could think of issues and prospects.
丒I was happy that what I have been doing and thinking of was presented in words.
丒I learned that perceptional change is important.
丒I could see for what OPCN is trying to do in particular.
丒I could see how to establish island nursing by knowing/understanding strength and weakness of islands, which further leads to development of advanced practitioners.
丒Development of advanced practitioner leaders is necessary to provide island people with high quality nursing practices.

丒I strongly felt potential of island nursing.
丒About to discover outcomes.
丒I could learn research report/results of GP.
丒I could learn that community based island nursing is important.

丒It was difficult.
丒It was hard to read the slides (font size, layout, etc乧); 嘦and 嘨乕係 could have been put together?


N/A (Blank)
丒Graduate students' research
丒I could learn about the contents of nursing in the world.

嘨-1.Developing Nurse Leaders in Pacific Islands

Very Good
丒I agree with importance of developing critical/evaluative thoughts.
丒APNLC activities were very interesting.
丒It was a rather long presentation, but it was nice to hear concrete stories about Guam.
丒"Islands" had reminded me Miyako and/or Yaeyama. However, in "islands" such as in USAP where everyday life is about survival, nurses are working under difficult situations which are different challenges than what we face in Japan.
丒I was very interested in each story of Guam, Tinian, Australia, and Japan.
丒It made me think about leaders and managers.
丒I could absorb very good things since I could learn about current situations not only in Japan but also the world.
丒I felt importance of nurse leadership.
丒I appreciated the organization with long history, dedicated for development of nurse leaders.
丒In Japan, I do not feel necessity of cultural knowledge, but under the contexts of islands in abroad, I could understand importance of cultural knowledge.
丒An impressive part (of the presentation) was where she said that "without money, material supports will be cut, but connections between people will not be."
丒I could understand objectively that we have such roles to take.
丒I could learn about the concrete situations of GP abroad; directly ask about it.
丒I learned activities of APNLC as a council and concrete ways to develop nurse leaders.
丒It broadened by view.
丒I could understand well about Guam and other Pacific regions.
丒Development of leaders is a source of my worries.
丒I leared challenges in developing leaders in Pacific islands.

丒I learned characteristics of nurse leaders.

丒I would have liked to know concrete realities of nurse leaders development. The explanation about the regions was rather long.
丒Critical丒仠仠丒Index were good. More concrete explanation would have been nice.

丒I could not catch up with what she said.
丒Concrete plans of development were missing. Although critical thinking is an idea, by showing how to reach a goal, to develop logics/theories, concrete applications and case studies, it would have been easier to provide an image of the idea.

N/A (Blank)
丒To develop individuals to be leaders. If we can get over language barriers, education will advance.

嘨-2.Health Issues and Nursing Functions on the Island of Tinian

Very Good
丒I could learn about various activities of nurses in Tinian.
丒I could see challenges from the presented situations and photos.
丒I thoughts there are many similarities to health issues in Okinawa; it was easy to think (of the case of Tinian) with comparable examples (of Okinawa).
丒I had thought that obesity, diabetes and hypertension are issues only in developed countries, but learned that they are not. I thought it is her great accomplishment that she popularized many activities at Tinian where there was no such thing as culture of exercise.
丒It was an interesting story that how NP actually began to provide services in the island.
丒Many photos helped me understand the current situation.
丒It was nice that I could learn the current situation (of Tinian) such as high rate of obesity, which is similay to the Japanese situation.
丒I could learn about the commonalities involved in issues in Okinawa (and Tinian) and solution strategy.
丒Only 15 medical staff take care of 3500 people's health; I felt that the job must be worthwhile.
丒I was surprized that the health issues (in Tinian) are similar to the ones in Japan. Despite (the fact that Tinian is) an American territory, I was impressed that public health is implemented and activities are run well.
丒I learned that roles (supposedly) of health nurses are taken by nurses.
丒I learned that she is working in challenging environment.
丒For several years, I am also involved in a blood pressure/health workshop for local villagers. I gained a lot (from her presentation) since I have been concerned and struggling to figure out how to involve the targets, who are not willing to participate, in the program.
丒Activities as a NP were well presented.
丒I could listen to her speech as an issue not far from myself and empathized with it.
丒Nurses cope (with patients) with understanding of local culture and people's characteristics; I understood that in any regional context, the role of nurses for health issue is same.

丒I would have liked to know more about public health.
丒Her speech was too fast, so that the tempo with an interpreter was a little off.
丒I thought it is great that NP and RN are mobilized for island nursing where doctors are scarce.

丒I had already known (what she presented).
丒It was somehow easy to follow.
丒I would have liked to hear more about roles and issues from (her) concrete practices 乮e.g. roles of the targeted and supporters乯.
丒I could not hear due to a sound system condition.

N/A (Blank)
丒Health issues in Tinian are same as current health issues in Okinawa; many to learn from the Tinian case.
丒I thought that understanding of island characteristics leads us to nursing which is familiar to people.

嘨-3."Remote Health" the New Challenge

Very Good
丒I could learn about remote health in Australia.
丒The presentation was well made. Her talk was also easy to follow.
丒I learned that although there are not many islands in Australia, there are distinctive issues and strategies (of nursing at the remote setting).
丒I learned that knowing local custom is the most important. I understood that nursing which overcomes cultural and language differences are necessary.
丒I felt it is powerful that (the organization) came up with a strategy to hold a conference where there are plans to enalbe students' participation, and then to let them be interested in remote nursing.
丒It made me think of again challenges and difficulties of nursing where there requires cultural respect, as well as of a position as a nurse.
丒It was good that I could learn about (nursing) practices at remote areas, such that about Aborigines.
丒I felt that (in Australia) the environment (system) of remote health is well established.
丒I could learn about the current situation of remote health (in Australia).
丒I could learn that communication is difficult since there are many Aborigines languages. I found that the CRANAplus course is very good.
丒I could learn about importance to respect Aborigines culture (other culture).
丒It was good that I could understand how they cope (with remote health issues).
丒I learned about current situations of staff training and remote nursing in Australia.
丒training as a team; upcoming issues
丒I was surprized that what still remains an issue in Japan is already 擔杮偵偍偗傞壽戣偑幚慔儗儀儖偱恑傫偱偄傞偙偲偵嬃偄偨
丒The system was interesting, and there are much to learn from; since Japan is moving towards NP (Japanese version).
丒There are many aspects applicable to us; I reminded myself again that it is necessary to keep up my effort to develop my knowledge and skills everyday. It is good that it is already systematized (in Australia).

丒It led me to further learn about supports for targets with diverse cultures.
丒It was easy to follow about the background of Australia and human resource development.
丒Some parts were helpful as reference. They have same issues as in island nursing.
丒It was good that I could hear about current situations and issues of remote area nursing in Australia.
丒Remote health and island nursing share common challenges.
丒I learned well about challenges in the large area.

丒It was too long. She should have kept it in time.
丒It was hard to picture the image; as the scale was too large.


嘨-4.Excellence and Issues for Clinical Practice Based on Community in Island Nursing

Very Good
丒I could learn about important points of health nursing practices and issues of developing health nurses.
丒I could see the potential of local health nursing.
丒It stimulated my thought about the fundamental feature of nursing - totality - to the extent that I felt the time went too fast. It was the content to which I would have wanted to listen in a focused session with longer time.
丒It was good that I could learn about practices of Japanese island nursing based on her own research. Her presentation also functioned as a roundup of the symposium.
丒New insights were involved, and I could see future directions. There was professional attempt for organization and 仠仠 (synthesis?).
丒Seeing many letters (on the screen) was challenging, but I felt it was very detailed.
丒It was easy to understand current situations and issues in Japan.
丒I was very motivated because, after all, demands for total nursing and NP started in Japan.
丒It was good that I could learn about stance of health nurses in islands.
丒I could learn what should be prepared for the duty as a health nurse.
丒I had thought island (nursing) was a minor field, but learned that it consists a foundation of nursing.
丒It explicated the issues regarding advancement and specialization in Japan.
丒I was impressed by the outcome that through local practices in islands, we are able to develop our skills to discover real needs (in the islands).
丒The issues in Japan are well clarified.
丒I am happy that I have been able to learn island nursing. I would like to make use of (what I have learned) in practice.
丒The outcome was easy to grasp. She concluded the presentation well. Good reference.
丒It was good that she shed light on what I had taken for granted. By "advanced practice," I had assumed that we would have needed to make new attempts.
丒From today's symposium, I learned that there is nothing special about ****. What's important is to practice normal things with normal ways.
丒Since it was based on her research, it was easy to follow.
丒By taking initiative to publicize (their knowledge/information) and cope with organizational development, locally embedded nurses and health nurses (and local people) can grow together; to the extent that they can make difference in administrative policy.

丒It was difficult.
丒Since she used difficult expression, it was a bit difficult to comprehend (the content).
丒By learning about island nursing, as a nursing practitioner, I appreciate more about the nursing job.
丒I did not understand the meta-(synthesis) research process. Could it be convincing without evaluation of case(s)?

丒It was difficult.
丒I felt the content was a bit difficult.


嘩.Feedbacks on Project Handling

丒It was an international as well as local symposium; it was good. Best regards for those faculty members and administrative staff who prepared the symposium.
丒The international interpretation was good.
丒I would have liked to see reports and/or introduction of remote nurses/health nurses who work hard at clinics. I would like to know the situation in Okinawa as well.
丒Discussions were worthwhile. Thanks for planning.
丒Having question/answer sessions - not just listening to the presentations - made me happy. It was inspiring. Thanks for providing me with space for precious experience.
丒I was very interested in it. I am looking forward to the next symposium again from global perspective. Thank you.
丒I learned a lot from the question/answer sessions.
丒More promotion/advertizement (of the symposium) would have been good; no?
丒Very interesting and handled well. Thank you.
丒It was the symposium which stimulated my inspiration.
丒It was worthwhile that I could participate the international symposium. Thank you.
丒Voices of the speaker and the interpreter were heard at the same time, so that it was hard to hear.
丒I would have wanted to see the schedule of keynote speech and symposium (presentations) on the poster.
丒I would have wanted to see English slides as well.
丒Being at the Miyako island, it was nice that I could learn about nursing at various (island / remote) areas.
丒It was financially helpful that I could listen to the presentations at Miyako through remote communication. It was a very long symposium. Thanks for precious presentations.
丒I cannot see the indication of pointer, so that I want it to be indicated in a different method.
丒I think it would have been easier to hear the presentations if only interpreter's voice had been connected (through remote communication system?).




亂 Contact 亃
Okinawa Prefectural College of Nursing, Graduate School
1-24-1 Yogi, Naha City, Okinawa
Phone: 098 (833) 8800
FAX: 098 (833) 5133